更新时间:2014-11-06 18:16:46点击次数:1461次字号:T|T
1. Oral English:(口语学习)
A. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.
B. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.
C. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.
D. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read the Chinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.
1. 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.
2. 始终有一位高级教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.
3. 题材范围极广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.
4. 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.
5. 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.
6. 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.